Leroy Jetson

Leroy Jetson

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Change will prevail!!!!

I am in an interesting period of my life right now...I feel as if I'm growing wiser but only time will tell. (of course) Lately i found myself trying to conquer the world in a weeks time. (Typical for any ambitious 22 year old male) With the help of GOD i am beginning to find a balance between an ambitious nature and the level of wisdom that only a monk would possess. I shall digress. LIKE ALWAYS CHANGE WILL PREVAIL!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


In the aftermath of the Lebron "Scandal" I feel like people are taking this "Situation" (No Jersey Shore) way too seriously. I mean come on people, Dan Gilbert (Cavs majority owner) is treating Mr. James as if he sold CIA government secrets to Iraq. The man is just playing basketball for another team. How does he become the bad guy over night? When does this madness end. I'm going to end this post before i become public enemy #2 just for siding with the guy.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Today i was sadden by some news that i read today. My local clothing boutique which has been around since 2005 may be closing its doors. The owner is selling the business for reasons that i have no clue of. If i had a business loan there is no doubt i would definitely bid on it. Furthermore for my sake of being the flyest kid in the Carolinas i prey that someone with some sort of fashion cents obtains the business. As I digress. read details here.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ty supplies the WORLD with a daily dose of his Impeccable Style!

This Human Being possess a sense of fashion that is parallel to that of Lebron's court vision. In the event that you are hopelessly navigating the Cyber World make your way on over to his blog for your daily dose of Fly. When you get there just ask for TY. (I promise I'm not a rapper lol)